Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monthly Test...Yucks??

When it comes to tests-which is the monthly tests of course (ujian bulanan), I'm extremely sure most normal pupils are not very keen in liking them...I have been through that and done that..
So girls and boys, do not worry so much!
It's actually a phase that all of us need to gone through it in your life whether you're in Malaysia, US or UK or any part of the country in the world....
In fact, take it in a positive way,
it's actually to know how much effort have you put into your studies...
If you're a sports person or even a musical type of person, you must want to be the very best, right??
So, it's actually how much practice or effort that you have pour to the field so that you will be able to be in a shortlisted candidate for further tournament or competition or even one of the top 5 winners!!!
Same goes if you're a GAMER....especially hot online games...the more you practice the more you'll become good in the GAME...and inside any games, I'm sure that you'll need to pass a specific test or a specific points to go to the next level...Am I right?? I'm sure I'm right though!

Well, now I hope all of you can see that a test is actually a way for you to evaluate yourself on your studies...If your results are not that good, do not feel DOWN...Put more effort into it...
Myself and your teachers are very sure to help you and guide you...As well as your parents too... We are always around help you and guide you...

So pupils...Make your parents and teachers proud...
May ALLAH(or for nonmuslim, GOD) be with you...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Practice makes perfect

Ok, students in Year 5 Xenon and Year 6 Dillenia..

Please memorize your multiplication facts
This is handy for the test that will be just around the corner....
Will be asking you from time to time,
so ready and prepare all the time, orite....

c u when i-c-u...

Newbie to blogging

Well, this is sort of my first blog in creation..

One of great ideas from a colleague of mine, Kak Ani..Thanks akak!
Been seeing many of my friends have their own blog and never ever feel needed in doing so, until today during our 'perkembangan staff'...
So now, hear ye...this is my new blog...powered by blogspot that is!

It seems that all of us need to use this blog as one of the tool in enhancing our career...
Well, I'm all optimistic about that....not sure with others though...
C'mon all, let's just try, test, and 'cuba-lah'...
There's nothing to lose..

So friends, students and those just walk-in
"Welcome to my blog, Use it wisely and appropriately"