Saturday, May 10, 2008

Problems in fractions?

Hi my dearest pupils....

To be able to understand fraction you need to know that fraction is a part of a whole.
Example a cake is one whole....If you eat half of the one whole, it can be represented in fraction which is one write it as 1/2. It means that you ate half of the cake....

This is one half and it is also called a proper fraction....
A proper fraction is numerator is less than denominator....example 3/5

If denominator is bigger than numerator example: 8/5
then it is called improper fraction....

So, list examples for proper fractions and improper fractions....
Can you see the differences????

Are you confuse???
Well then, write inside this blog what you can't understand...and I'll explain to you....

Ok, c u in class...


Student said...

Pn. Hasanah...

For fractions, I always forget which is numerator and which is denominator....

I also confuse how to name the fractions in words...

N Hasanah said...


Ok, Just remember on top will be numerator....
the bottom will be denominator...

bottom remember is denominator...

See me if problem arise

Student said...

Thank you teacher...I can understand better now...